
Crane scales are a critical piece of weight measurement equipment for various industries and operations as they enable accurate and efficient weighing of heavy loads. To ensure the reliability and precision of these essential scales, it is critical to maintain and calibrate crane scales routinely. Fortunately, Accurate Scale is here to help! Below we will cover some best practices for maintaining your crane scales and extending their lifespans. Continue reading to learn more about maximizing the value and performance of your crane scales!

Regular Inspection and Cleaning

Routine inspections are critical for identifying signs of wear, damage, or malfunction in your crane scales. When inspecting your scales, check for loose or damaged components, such as hooks, shackles, or load cells. Additionally, ensure the crane scale’s display and controls function as expected. Moreover, regular cleaning is just as important as routine inspections. Dust, debris, and dirt can quickly accumulate on your crane scale and impact its ability to perform. So use a soft cloth or brush to remove foreign particles and maintain optimal cleanliness.

Adhere to the Manufacturer’s Guidelines

When it comes to maintenance and crane scale calibration procedures, always refer back to the manufacturer’s guidelines and recommendations. Manufacturers typically provide specific instructions regarding cleaning agents, lubricants, and preferred storage conditions. Adhering to these guidelines, or getting expert support from Accurate Scale, will help preserve your crane scale’s overall accuracy and longevity.

Protect Your Scale from Harsh Environments

Often crane scales are used in rugged and demanding environments. Exposure to extreme temperatures, moisture, chemicals, or corrosive substances may significantly impact your crane scale’s performance. That’s why protecting your crane scales from these harsh environments is critical. Consider using protective covers to shield your crane scale from dust, water, and other contaminants, or invest in a crane scale from Accurate Scale designed to withstand these harsh conditions. If your crane scales are primarily used outside, ensure they are stored away in a protected area when not in use. Proper storage and protection can help prevent damage, extend their lifespan, and ensure your crane scale’s calibration remains accurate.

Routine Calibration and Certification

Regular crane scale calibration is the cornerstone of maintaining accurate weight measurements and performance. Crane scales should be calibrated at the predefined intervals outlined by the manufacturer or a qualified calibration service provider like Accurate Scale. Crane scale calibration ensures that your weight readings are aligned with traceable standards and ensure their measurement accuracy. Moreover, calibration and certification are essential for regulatory audits, trade standards compliance, and quality control purposes. When searching for a crane scale calibration service provider, trust the experts at Accurate Scale! Our technicians follow industry standards set by Measurement Canada and provide traceable calibration certifications to serve as evidence of crane scale calibration and compliance.

Train Operators for Proper Use

In addition, proper training of crane scale operators is essential for maintaining the accuracy and longevity of your equipment. So ensure your operators are trained on how to properly handle and use your crane scales, including load placement, hook attachment, and reading the scale’s display. Be sure to encourage your operators to report any issues or abnormalities they encounter during operation as soon as possible so Accurate Scale can immediately step in and help.

Schedule Preventive Maintenance

Finally, implementing a preventative maintenance schedule can significantly extend the lifespan of your crane scales. With Accurate Scale’s help, we can create a maintenance plan that includes routine inspections, lubrication of moving components, and proactive replacement of worn-out parts. By immediately identifying and addressing potential problems, you can prevent untimely breakdowns, costly repairs, and losses to your operations’ bottom line.

Expert Crane Scale Calibration Services from Accurate Scale

Maintaining your crane scale in peak condition is essential for accurate and reliable weight measurements and efficient operations. By following these best practices and partnering with Accurate Scale for your crane scale calibration services, you can extend the life of your equipment and maximize its value to your operations. By investing in the maintenance, calibration, and certification of your crane scales, you’re investing in your operations’ success, compliance and accuracy. Contact Accurate Scale today to learn more about our crane scale calibration and certification or other after-sales services.