
Is your current weight measurement system not capable of keeping up with the demands of your growing operations? If so, now is the right time to upgrade your existing system with an industrial floor scale from Accurate Scale! Industrial floor scales can benefit your operations regardless of the industries you operate in. Our knowledgeable team of experts can assist you in determining the correct scale for your business. Below we’ll discuss some of the many benefits of industrial floor scales. Continue reading to learn more!

Suitable for All Industries!

Floor scales are incredibly versatile, and they can be found across many industries. For example, warehouses use floor scales every day to measure outgoing and incoming inventory. By accurately tracking the weight of their shipments, warehouses can better monitor inventory, cost-effectiveness, and safety concerning transportation. Another common application for floor scales is in the agricultural sector. Floor scales in agriculture are often used to weigh bulk items like food, seeds, fertilizers, and more! Across all these applications, the primary function of floor scales is to provide accurate weight readings, all the while withstanding the wear and tear of regular use. At Accurate Scale, we offer a range of floor scales that are highly durable and capable of weighing items up to 2,500kg. We have various scale options available to suit your unique needs, and each of our scales is approved for legal trade by Measurement Canada. So you know you’re getting quality and accuracy you can count on.

Improve Workflow

Industrial floor scales can make measuring incoming and outgoing products much simpler and more manageable. They can even take on larger and heavier loads all at once. Then when it’s time to check inventory or ship out a large order, floor scales come in handy. Floor scales can weigh an entire pallet of products at once without sacrificing accuracy. That means you can keep your workflow moving along and safely weigh more products. A significant boost in productivity means businesses like yours can better cater to your customers’ needs.

A Safer Option

Keeping your workers, products, and equipment safe should be your highest priority. Understanding your industry’s regulations and local safety legislation can ensure your worksite remains safe. Floor scales provide your workplace with a flat, even surface capable of weighing bulky and heavy objects. While platform and bench scales can be handy for specific applications, a floor scale is better suited for loads that other models can’t handle. A floor scale is also easier to use as it doesn’t require lifting and can reduce the chance of shock loading. So if your workplace is looking for a safer option for getting accurate weights, consider a floor scale from Accurate Scale.

Accuracy You Can Depend On

When it comes to measuring weight, the critical factor is accuracy. Accurate Scale’s line of industrial floor scales offers superior results, durability and a high return on investment. That means your operations can run with less maintenance downtime and errors. Combine our high-quality Canadian-made scales with our unbeatable maintenance, repair, and calibration services; Accurate Scale is your dependable source for measurement tools. Are you interested in learning more about the benefits of industrial floor scales? Contact our team today and let Accurate Scale bring you accurate results.